120 years of Whangateau Hall!
Come help us celebrate at a social potluck on Friday, 22 June, 2018. Entry is free, but contributions to the hall fund are appreciated.

“A most enjoyable evening was had by all.” This simple but eloquent line occured dozens of times in The Rodney and Otamatea Times describing events in the Whangateau Hall. On Friday, June 22nd the local community will gather to celebrate 120 years of Whangateau Hall.
The Hall was built between 1895 and 1902 by locals, with 1898 being the “official” opening. The hall has been home to dances, concerts, and many other functions. In the 1970s the Rodney County Council decided to demolish the hall. A group of passionate and active locals rallied together, obtaining a Crown protection order. The local Buffalo Lodge moved into the Hall, and its members, assisted by locals, renovated and upgraded the Hall which is now designated Category 2 by the Historic Places Trust.
Some of those same campaigners will be at the birthday celebration. The evening is open to everyone, and is jointly hosted by the Whangateau Hall Reserve Committee and the Whangateau Residents and Ratepayers Association (WRRA).
The evening is a potluck dinner, please bring a plate to share, and beverages of your choice. Local musicians will provide musical entertainment, and all musicians interested in performing a number or two are welcome to bring instruments and enthusiasm. There will be cake and juice, and raffles in support of a new AED for the Rodney Rams Club.