Pohutakawa Trees on the Domain

Suzette McFarlane who lives in the Whangateau village has organised a meeting for the local residents to discuss the trees (SEE BELOW) and I am sending this information out to members as requested.

Whangateau Community Meeting at the Whangateau Hall, Wednesday 14th September 6.30pm

Topics of Discussion:
· Saving Existing Pohutukawa Trees
· New Tree Plantings in the Whangateau Domain

You may or may not be aware that there are a few actions underway in the Community at present around trees in the Whangateau Domain:
1. Saving the existing Pohutukawa trees along the waterfront
2. Planting of new Pohutukawa trees in the Domain

This meeting is an opportunity for the Whangateau Community to hear from the Hall Committee and community leads around the plans for new and existing plantings and provide a forum for discussion/feedback.

The planned plantings outlined in a flyer distributed a couple of weeks ago to the residents of Whangateau have been put on hold pending the Community feedback from this meeting.

If you are unable to attend the meeting in person but would like your views heard, please email the WRRA Secretary Audrey Sharp am.sharp56@gmail.com prior to the commencement of the meeting.