Ngā Uri O Te Tai Photos

The art exhibition by Arapeta Ashton June 28-30 2019 was very well received and attended. Below are some photos.

This spring Whangateau could be called Jackson Hall

We have three outstanding evenings of music coming to Whangateau this spring that have the funniest thing in common: they all feature outstanding musicians named “Jackson.”

On 30 September, fiddle player Krissy Jackson and her husband Peter from New Plymouth will be your hosts for Club night. They will also be your second half special musical guests with Peter accompanying Krissy on keyboard with a diverse set of cross-genre folk music.

On 9 October, The Trio Jackson from Nelson are playing a special show hosted by local Jo Evans. Miles Jackson is a very fine classical and flamenco guitarist and Margarita is a classical trained violinist. For many years they performed as Duo Jackson but now their daughter has joined them after studying violin in Europe. They live in Nelson and teach at the Nelson Centre of Musical Arts.

On 30 October, Missy Raines, 7 time IBMA Bass Player of the Year winner is coming to Whangateau with her Missy Raines Trio, consisting of herself, Ben Garnett of Arlington, Texas on guitar, and New Zealand’s very own George Jackson on fiddle. Missy is one of the First Ladies of Bluegrass, and absolute royalty amongst both women in bluegrass and bass players in general.

And as if that wasn’t enough, October is also host to a non-Jackson centric event with You, Me, Everybody stopping in on their inaugural tour on Monday, October 14th. You, Me, Everybody is a collaboration formed by Laurence (guitar) and Sam (mandolin) Rhodes of RhodeWorks, with Nat Torkington from the Pipi Pickers on banjo, James Geluk of the Frank Burkitt Band on Bass, and Kim Bonnington of Kim and Dusty on guitar and vocals. This band is already making waves across the New Zealand bluegrass scene and getting attention internationally. This is guaranteed to be one of the best shows of the year.

Tickets for all of these shows will go on sale in August.

There will be no club night in October.

Peter Titchener in Concert

Wednesday, 15 May 2019.  7:30pm. $15.

This Australian musician has been seen on stages around the world with people like Colcannon, Maria Forde, Munro O’Callaghan Titchener and Eric Bogle. This is Peter’s first foray into solo performance and promises a well-balanced mix of self-penned, thoughtful and humorous songs mixed with dubious witty banter

Buy Tickets

Peter Tichener

Himmerland In Concert



New music from Scandinavia across styles, cultures and frontiers!

Veterans of the international music festival circuits, this is HImmerland’s first visit to Whangateau Hall.

With members from Denmark, Ghana, Scotland and Sweden, is inspired by the exciting and very varied cultures of the five experienced musicians in the band – We fuse the different cultures and genres that are brought into the band, but always with respect form the origin of the traditions. During touring in they UK over the last years, they met Scottish fiddle player Mairi Campbell and happily invited her to come play and sing with the band.

“Himmerland have found their direction and are moving very much ahead”. – Chris Nickson

“Himmerland were hot, they knew what they were doing and they did it very
well!” – The Blog “Life with a Blackdog”, Canberra, Australia

“Mairi Campbell has got to be one of the most fascinating women on the planet.” – Mike Harding, The Mike Harding Folk Show

Buy Tickets:

Learn more at : – or at

Himmerland New Zealand Tour 2019 is:

MAIRI CAMPBELL(Vocal, Viola) Mairi Campbell is a pioneering figure in Scottish music. Her musical interests are wide ranging, from playing Scottish dance music to pushing the boundaries of the traditional music scene with her soundings and improvisations. Mairi has won several awards for her musicianship including Instrumentalist of the Year and Scots Singer of The Year at the Scots Trad Music Awards.
“Her voice can stop the clock” – The Scotsman

ESKIL ROMME (Soprano Saxophone) is from Funen, but has lived in Himmerlands in Northern Jutland, most of his life. During the 30 years Eskil has played, he has mixed traditional Danish music with jazz and otherrelated genres. On his many travels in Scandinavia and the UK, he has developed his very own “North Sea blend” of sounds and styles. In 2009 he released the album ” Himmerlandsmelodier”, which also was the beginning of the band Himmerland. Eskil is the artistic director of the small but well-reputed Halkær Festival, and he is known for its many international tours with bands like “Færd” and “Kryss”.

JENS ULVSAND (bouzouki, vocals) From Sweden, has been an integral part of the Swedish folkmusic scene in the last 25 years. Beside his work as a touring musician, Jens is a highly respected teacher at the Music Academies in Malmø, Sweden and Odense, Denmark, and he has a long career as composer for Swedish theaters. Jens Ulvsand has years of experience on the Swedish folk music scene, and combines his work in Himmerland with Trio Mio, with membership of Swedish Avadå Band, and toured the world with Danish Færd, KRYSS and Jullie Hjetland & Jens Ulvsand duo.

EMIL RINGTVED NIELSEN (Electric bass guitar) is from Aarhus, Denmark’s next biggest City. Emil
belongs to the new upcoming generation of very well skilled young musicians. He has played with a number of the new bands that shows where Danish Folkmusic goes these days .. bands as Mads Hansens Kapel and Tailcoat, and he’s an experienced player at Traditional Danish Dancing .Emil studies El bass at the Music Academy of Aarhus.

AYI SOLOMON (percussion, vocals) is from Ghana but has lived in Copenhagen for more than 30 years. Solomon enjoys great respect wherever he has played the last several years, both in Denmark and internationally. He has released two albums in his own name, and he has performed and toured with a wide range of top professional bands and projects in genres like world music, rock, pop and jazz. Among the best known are “Pierre Dørge & The New Jungle Orchestra”,”Moussa Diallo Band” and “Palle Mikkelborg”.

Contact :

Dennis Duigan and Ramblin’ Ash at February Club Night

The February Club Night is Monday, 25 February, at 7pm.  First half floor singers.  $15.

Dennis and Ramblin’ Ash have been performing solo across Australia and in Bluegrass and Western Swing bands – this tour will see them join forces to create an act that highlights the best they have to offer.

Possessing a powerful set of pipes that are equal parts soulful and high lonesome, Dennis’s repertoire draws from both the vast canon of American roots music, and a growing body of his own Southern flavoured original creations. A former heavy metal reprobate who defected and took up residence in the Americana folk music camp, Dennis has a lingering penchant for intricate and nuanced playing.

You might find Ramblin’ Ash Constance pickin’ old country songs for grey nomads at a free camp in rural Victoria, or playing at a crowded blues bar in Brisbane city – wherever and whenever she turns up, there is always a story to be told and a tune to be sung. With a voice like birdsong and the rollicking, rough and tumble of a true traveller she will break your heart, then charm your socks off and leave you longing for a life on the road.

Frank Burkitt Band returns to Whangateau Hall!


The Frank Burkitt Band return to Whangateau after their memorable debut performance there in January 2017. This show is part of their 30 date ‘Lost but Alive’ NZ Tour.

Frank is a story teller, songwriter, singer and guitarist. In that order. His rambling anecdotes aim to give the audience more of a connection with his songs. A folk songwriter at his core, American roots music with hints of jazz, blues and swing very much shape his music.

When he relocated to Wellington from Edinburgh with his partner and backing vocalist Kara Filbey, he formed The Frank Burkitt Band, with blues and country mandolin player Cameron Burnell and jazz double bassist James Geluk. This mix of styles and genres gives their show unique variety, alongside tight knit harmonies and well crafted arrangements.

2019 will see The Frank Burkitt Band embark on the longest tour of their lives. From January – June, they intend to take their music all around New Zealand, Australia and the UK. Yes, they are quite ambitious and slightly unhinged. They will be releasing a new live EP to coincide with their touring adventures.

Wednesday, 6 March, 7pm.  $15.  

Boxing Day Party!

Relax and recover from the excesses of Christmas Day with your neighbours. Bring along a “white elephant” gift to exchange, and leftovers from those huge Christmas meals to share as a potluck dinner. Musicians are encouraged to bring along an instrument and play a few numbers on stage for the gathered crowd. Piano players are also invited to “tinkle the ivories” on our 100 year old upright and play a song of their choice. A spontaneous Christmas Carol group sing-along is not out of the question. Everyone in the area on the day, whether local or just visiting, is welcome to join in.

Tickets to our first events of 2019

Tickets are now available for our shows in January, February and March!  Buy online with no card or service fees!

16 January 2019, Wednesday. Rhode Works in Concert. Prodigy bluegrass band from the Waikato, the Rhodes boys have only become more stunningly talented than they were a year ago! 7:30pm. $10. Buy Tickets

28 January 2019, Monday.  Lonely Heart String Band!  Back from the USA!  Note that we will not have a regular club night this month to make room for this outstanding band. 7:00pm, $25. Buy Tickets!

6 February 2019, Wednesday. Nine Mile Creek. Australian Bluegrass Band over for the Kiwigrass festival, making a stop up at the hall before returning home. If you like the Pipis, you’ll love Nine Mile Creek. $15. 7:30pm. Buy Tickets!

25 February 2019, Folk Club Night.  Dennis Duigan & Ramblin’ Ash.  Old Timey duo from Australia. Regular club night.  E-mail for a first half floor spot. $15. 7:30pm. Buy Tickets!

6 March 2019The Frank Burkitt Band in concert. Folk music and more from Wellington. $15. BUY TICKETS.