Auckland Council has sent through the following guidance on reopening of community facilities. Your Whangateau Hall committee is a volunteer organisation, and we do our best to provide access to our lovely hall to the community, and keep the community safe. We appreciate your support and patience as we all move through this crisis.
Advice from council:
Will visitors to your centre need a vaccination certificate?
Council has also begun a piece of work on whether visitors to our facilities will require vaccination certificates. We are looking at multiple options as the COVID-19 Protection Framework does not require public facilities to check vaccination certificates for up to 100 people distancing one metre. We will provide the outcome of this work with you when it is available (no date yet). Individuals can get a vaccine pass from the Ministry of Health website.
The new COVID-19 Protection (traffic light) Framework.
This week we’ve had enquiries around council’s expectations when interpreting the new framework to enable a safe re-opening and ability to provide services for your customers. As mentioned, we are actively working on interpreting the Government guidance and will share decisions and guidance with you.
We support our partners to interpret their unique spaces and to make decisions in response to the framework on what programmes and activities can go ahead in your facility.
Advice from our Connected Communities Department is to ‘keep it simple’ because you are likely in the challenging position of trying to uphold new rules for entry and participation. Should you have doubt around how to engage your community, the kind of programmes you can provide and the size of audience you may expect, don’t complicate activity. Think about what is manageable for your team when developing and implementing your plans and adapt as you go
The New Zealand COVID-19 Protection Framework (Red/Orange/Yellow) link:
Summary of Red:
Action needed to protect health system – system facing unsustainable number of hospitalisations. Action needed to protect at-risk populations.
- QR code scanning or registering on record sheet is mandatory
- Masks are mandatory in public venues and recommended whenever leaving home
- Public events and gatherings indoors/outdoors of up to 100 people based on 1 metre distancing with a vaccine certificate
- If no vaccination certificate is used, gatherings indoors/outdoors cannot take place
Refresher on current Alert Level 3.2: As we are currently at Alert Level 3 Step 2 and Auckland Council’s network of public facilities including community centres, art galleries, libraries, and halls can reopen, the information we provided last week is still relevant.