Due to the reinstating of Covid Level-3 lockdown, the community open day for the hall has been postponed. Updates will be posted as they’re available!
August 2020 Club Night
Our August club night falls on Monday, 31 August. Doors open 6:30pm for a 7pm start. Special guest for the second half are Bluegrass and Beyond! First half will feature local floor singers. Email to reserve your spot in the first half. jenine@torkington.com.
If we are still at Level 3 Lockdown, this evening will be postponed. At Level 2, we will have a maximum attendance of 40 people. Book your tickets here: https://whangateau.co.nz/event/august-club-night-with-bluegrass-and-beyond/31_08-2020-700pm/
Whangateau Usage Rules at Level 2+
As of Friday, 29 May, New Zealand Covid19 Alert Level 2 has been loosened to allow groups of up to 100 people. Accordingly, Whangateau Hall rules have been adjusted as follows.
- Maximum occupancy of hall grounds (within picket fence) to be limited to 40 people.
- Events in the hall and grounds are still limited to 2 hours in duration.
- Hirer must complete an attendance register with names and phone numbers for all people present and submit to hall Supervisor (Jenine Abarbanel, jenine@torkington.com, 021 428 568) immediately upon completion of hire.
- Hall hirer must see that social distancing of 1m is maintained at all times.
- The wearing of masks is encouraged but not required.
- In addition to the usual required cleaning, all surfaces and doorknobs are to be sprayed down and wiped with provided disinfectant sprays and cloths. All used towels and wiping cloths to be left in hall foyer in bucket provided.
- All other conditions of hire and post-use cleaning requirements for Whangateau Hall remain in place and unchanged.
- These guidelines may be updated in response to any new guidelines issued by the New Zealand Government or Auckland Council. For more information: https://covid19.govt.nz/alert-system/alert-level-2/. Additional guidance has been incorporated from https://www.majorevents.govt.nz/resource-bank/covid-19-advice-for-event-organisers/.
For more information about using the hall, contact Jenine at 021 428 568 or jenine@torkington.com
Covid19 Alert Level 2 and Whangateau Hall
Whangateau Hall will be re-opened as of Monday, 18 May 2020 under Covid19 Alert Level 2, subject to the guidelines below.
- Maximum occupancy of hall grounds (within picket fence) to be limited to 10 people.
- Events in the hall and grounds are limited to 2 hours in duration.
- Hirer must complete an attendance register with names and phone numbers for all people present and submit to hall Supervisor (Jenine Abarbanel, jenine@torkington.com, 021 428 568) immediately upon completion of hire.
- Hall hirer must see that social distancing of 1m is maintained at all times.
- The wearing of masks is encouraged but not required.
- In addition to the usual required cleaning, all surfaces and doorknobs are to be sprayed down and wiped with provided disinfectant sprays and cloths. All used towels and wiping cloths to be left in hall foyer in bucket provided.
- All other conditions of hire and post-use cleaning requirements for Whangateau Hall remain in place and unchanged.
- These guidelines may be updated in response to any new guidelines issued by the New Zealand Government or Auckland Council. For more information: https://covid19.govt.nz/alert-system/alert-level-2/
For more information about using the hall, contact Jenine at 021 428 568 or jenine@torkington.com
Covid19 and Whangateau Hall
In the light of the current recommendations against public gatherings, and the risk to older members of the community, we will be postponing all concerts at the hall for the time being, unless something changes for the better in the next few weeks. In the meantime, Enjoy a playlist of over 30 videos from past concerts at the hall:

November Club Night
Monday, 25 November, 7:00pm, $10.
Second half guests: Mark Laurent and Brenda Liddiard.
For three decades Mark Laurent and Brenda Liddiard have been playing music together, part of that secret army of ‘indie’ musicians who fly just below the commercial radar, playing grass-roots, mostly un-plugged music throughout New Zealand, Australia and the UK.
Floor singers first half. Floor spots are two songs for a maximum total length of 8 minutes. All welcome, regardless of experience or ability.
Email Jenine to request a floor spot.
‘BB’ Bowness on RNZ
Catherine ‘BB’ Bowness, who will be performing at Whangateau Hall on December 16th, was interviewed on Radio New Zealand this morning. Get a little preview of what we have in store!
Get your tickets for BB & Alex: whangateau.co.nz/event/bb-bowness-and-alex-rubin-in-concert/16_12-2019-730pm/
Missy Raines tonight!
Eight time winner of the International Bluegrass Music Association’s Bass Player of the Year, Missy Raines and her trio are at the hall tonight. Tickets available at the door, $25. Show starts at 7:30pm.
Tickets for Missy Raines now available
Hailing from West Virginia, Missy Raines was a member of Alison Krauss’ first all-female bluegrass band and has backed greats such as Claire Lynch, Mac Weisman, Kenny Baker, and Peter Rowan. With a smoky and seductive alto, Missy Raines heads up her own innovative and genre-bending trio out of Nashville, Tennessee.
Tickets to Missy Raines Trio at Whangateau Hall are now available through Event Finder. Don’t miss this legendary musician as she tours through our area! Tickets are $23 online, $25 at the door.