Tattletale Saints return to Whangateau

On Friday, 31 January, we are privileged to have the combined acts of Tattletale Saints and 10 String Symphony playing at Whangateau Hall.  This is going to be an AMAZING night of Folk/Americana music.  Tattletale Saints came out and played for us last April on their album-release tour.  That album has since been nominated for the NZ Tui Folk Album of the Year, and the song “Complicated Man” from the album was nominated for the APRA Song of the Year.  10 String Symphony are a duo from the US, and the combination of the two sounds promises to blow all our socks off.  Tickets are available at the door or through eventfinder.co.nz, $15, under-10s free, show starts at 8:00 pm.

TTS and TSS Whangateau

Poster for TTS and TSS at Whangateau, January 2014

Dave Alley, 11 May 2013

Dave Alley is a well known and well respected New Zealand Musician.  Best known for his work as part of Sanders Alley Khan and Sanders Alley Gellig, he is also a brilliant solo performer.

On 11 May 2013, Dave played some solo pieces and was then joined by local musicians Nat Torkington and Jenine Abarbanel.

Dave Alley on slide guitar, Nat Torkington on banjo, Jenine Abarbanel on bass.

Dave Alley on slide guitar, Nat Torkington on banjo, Jenine Abarbanel on bass.

For more information about Dave, see his website www.davealley.co.nz

A video of one of Dave’s newer compositions: 4am Train.



14 April 2013 – Tattletale Saints

On April 14, the Tattletale Saints stopped in on their album release tour.  They put on a magnificent performance for a small, but enthusiastic audience.  Cy Winstanley and Vanessa McGowan are amazing musicians.  We were lucky to be included on their itinerary!

Tattletale Saints

Tattletale Saints

Here’s a link to one of the songs performed on the night:

For more about Tattletale Saints visit their website: www.tattletalesaints.com