Change of Guest for January Club Night

Our originally scheduled guests for January, Pat Smith and Ned Clamp, are unable to travel from the UK to NZ due to health issues, so we have had to make some changes to the calendar.

The Frank Burkitt Band

Frank Burkitt Band

Instead, the fabulous Frank Burkitt Band will be coming straight from their guest appearance at the Auckland Folk Festival to play at Whangateau. Frank Burkitt is well known for entertaining story-telling, tightly arranged songs and delicious harmony and a set list that contains blues, country, bluegrass, swing and some Scottish folk. It is good old fashioned original song-writing backed up by a band that understands perfectly how to add infectious rhythm and groove (Geluk’s bass), varied and skilled solo breaks (Burnell and Jackson on mandolin and fiddle) and endorphin-exploding harmonies (Filbey on backing vocals). $15.

More about the band: The Frank Burkitt Band.


In honour of the fact that our next concert guests, No Bones About It, were our first ever club night guests, we have decided to switch their full concert to a club night concert with floor spots in the first half. So get out the guitar and come out for this special mid-month musical opportunity!

And thanks to Frances Dickinson, who his compiling the “rules of folk club.” First rule is, “everyone come to folk club.” The second rule so far is, “Everyone sing along!” Do you have any “rules” for folk club? Ah, I have one, “never stack a hook-side chair on a smooth side chair!” That one just isn’t as fun as Frances’ rules, is it?


July Club Night with Dirt Road Orchestra


This month, our club night guest is the Dirt Road Orchestra from Puhoi. These funky fellows have been delighting listeners at our club nights for a while now, with their bluesy, folky, rocky fun. Everyone who has seen them is very much looking forward to hearing an entire set from them, be sure you don’t miss it!

July 25
7pm. Floor singers in the first half, please come early to put your name down for a floor spot.

Video from April Club Night

April club night was held on Anzac Day. Many of our floor singers presented Anzac Day themed songs, and none so beautifully as John Hayday and Vaughan Morgan with “Remembrance Day.” Many thanks to John and Vaughan for being part of our club and sharing their lovely music with us.

Daniel Champagne Tickets and New Celtic Session in Puhoi


Pre-sale tickets for Daniel Champagne are finally live. Woopee! It’s going to be a great show!


In the mailbag


A message from Alan Wagstaff in Puhoi:

Greetings Singers, Dancers, and Musicians! I’m starting a folk/Celtic ‘session’ in Puhoi to be held in the Puhoi Sports Club rooms, which are in the centre of Puhoi Village. The dates we have booked so far are all Thursdays: 31st March, 7th April, 21st April, 5th May, 19th May, 2nd June. The session will run from 7.00 pm to 10.00 pm. This is a ‘session’ – not a performance evening. We have about 20 musicians interested at this point and if you play the spoons, the bodhran, the linoleum, banjo, guitar, mandolin, fiddle, accordion, the whistle, bass – or anything else for that matter – or you just like to sing this kind of stuff, you’re invited to join in. We expect about a 2 to 1 ratio of tunes to songs. There’s a $2 charge to cover room hire and to pay the bar staff. We’ve got a Dropbox set of about 30 music charts and sounds files (PDFs and aiffs) to get us going. Anyone who wants to join us will be given access to the Dropbox. From there you can print the music and/or listen to the sound files (aiffs). So, if you want to join us for a roistering, rollickin evening of music making please send me an email: Alan Wagstaff or call +64 (0)274 836 023.