It is time for club night again! We have a great guest act lined up:
David and Shimna. Guitar. Violin. Voices voices VOICES. Beautiful songs! Entertaining banter! If you missed them last year, now is your chance to rectify that gross oversight. If you saw them last year, then you know how much you want to be there on Monday to see them again! And remember after the show you said you were going to tell all your friends about it, too. Consider this your reminder!
25 November 2024, Monday: November Club Night. Special Guests David and Shimna. 7pm. $15. (Doors 6:45 pm, first half floor singers, email for a floor spot)
Special concert with You, Me, Everybody
You, Me, Everybody is New Zealand’s bluegrass supergroup. These are five of the most talented musicians in New Zealand. This band made a huge splash with their 2nd album, Southern Sky. Their song “Stranger” even landed them a spot on the Netflix show “Sweet Tooth.” (Season 2, episode 4, filmed right in Warkworth by the old cement works!)

They’ve just completed an incredible Kickstarter to fund their 3rd album and will be going into the studio in January. We are very fortunate to have them visit our lovely hall for a full concert. This will absolutely be an evening of outstanding talent that is not to be missed.
30 November 2024, Saturday: Full Concert with You, Me, Everybody. 7:30pm. $20. (Doors open 7:00pm.)
All inquiries and bookings to