At a 2015 Leigh Community Consultation event the idea of an area Fitness Trail was proposed and met with great enthusiasm. A subcommittee of the WRRA was formed to look at the idea of building a Fitness Trail around the Whangateau Reserve. It is currently in the community consultation phase. Please review the information below and have your say by filling out the survey here:
The trail fits in the landscape and is just under a kilometre long. No obstructing of the view or the sports fields would occur.
It consists of about ten stations.
Already existing features on the site could be incorporated : eg. Boulders and built borders etc. The water would be another welcome option to be included.
The stations have clear signage to instruct how to use it.
QR-codes could be added with all sorts of information.
The trail has a harmonic development to exercise the whole body. Exercises could be used as extension to the warm-up or winding down by the sports clubs or specifically as physiotherapy addition.
There are exercises for stretching, flexibility, balance, strength, stamina, etc..
The exercises are in fresh air and anytime accessible for anybody.
The trail is made of logs and basic material . Maybe also from strong
durable playground material.
A trail like that would need the support and cooperation of the com- munity and local bodies, like sports clubs, to maintain and look after.
It would be the greatest free gym.
Proposed locations of stations:
Possible stations:
Supporting Documentation:
Costing information for Mt Roskill Fitness Trail from Auckland Council