Info for Artists

Answers to questions for musicians wishing to perform at Whangateau Hall

Can I play at the hall?

Are you an acoustic musician? Then yes, you can probably play at the hall. When selecting artists we favour full bands over solo artists and duos. We highly discourage any sort of “back line” percussion set up. The hall is just too small to support that sound, and our regular audience will indeed get up and walk out if the sound is overwhelming. If you wish to play with a backline, you still can, but you’ll need to book the hall and promote/manage the show on your own. Or, you might want to consider The Sawmill Café, which may be better suited for you.

How much does it cost to play at Whangateau Hall?

[NB: This section has changed, and is subject to future change as we learn the best way to make our club sustainable and support our visiting musicians and community!]  Club night and Full concert guest artists are guaranteed $200 for the evening, with the possibility of bonus based on attendance, after we cover costs (about $70 for hall hire, intermission snacks, and a small donation to the hall committee), even if only 5 people show up. We will work the door for you, unless you want to provide someone to do that. And we will run the intermission snacks. You are expected to help with setting up the hall chairs and help with cleaning the hall afterwards.

An additional donation to the hall committee is much appreciated, as is an item for our fundraising raffle, such as a CD or other item of merchandise.

When can I play at the Hall?

Please keep in mind that this is not a professional music venue with a paid staff. For that reason we are only able to host concerts on our regular club night and a maximum of one other evening per month. Our regular club night is the last Monday of the month. If you wish to play on a night when we cannot support you, you can still hire the hall and run your own musical evening. We can help by promoting your event on our website and Facebook. We cannot guarantee we’ll be able to support you with putting up posters around the local area, or providing lights or PA on the night.

What if I don’t have my own PA?

If we are supporting your show, we have a PA and lights that you may use if you don’t have your own. A semi-acoustic sound works best in the hall. If you can work to a single mic, we recommend that. We use the “Louise” by Ear Trumpet Labs. It is perfectly suited to the hall.

Can I sell my CD or other merch?

We highly recommend you sell CDs and other merchandise!  Signing tables after the shows are very popular.

How do I sell advance tickets?

We can sell tickets for our shows through this website, in a low-tech sort of way. You can also try, that worked well for Tattletale Saints when they played the hall. And some bands have used The hall seats a maximum of 100, so make sure you limit ticket sales there.

Since this is a community hall, we ask that you price your tickets at no more than $20/person, and that kids 13 and under are free. (Or alternatively, a reduced price for students.)

What kind of publicity can you provide?

I have posters up around the district that feature the next 3 months worth of shows at the hall. You will be on those. You can send me your own poster, but that isn’t necessary and I can’t guarantee I’ll have time to distribute them.  Send me your press kit with high and low resolution photos and review blurbs and I will send out news releases to all the local papers, and to my mailing list of about 250 subscribers. I’ll also post notices here on the website and on Facebook.

Can I crash on your couch?

As a traveling independent musician, we know your budget is likely to be kind of tight. If you need a place to stay, we can probably help you out. It won’t be palatial or particularly luxurious, but there will be food, good friends, and fine varied beverages for all.

What’s in it for you?

If you are an independent musician from New Zealand, Australia, or anywhere, and are interested in playing here, I’m happy to help set your show up.  In return, it would be great if you joined the Independent Musicians Collective (if you’re in NZ) and did the same when independent musos come through your area.

Needless to say, this whole exercise is intended to increase community ties both locally and globally, to foster a sense of caring for one another and helping one another, and to generally make the world a better place. If you, having visited with us, take on this mission as well and spread this philosophy, do let us know, and we will consider ourselves well repaid.

Other resources for musicians wishing to tour New Zealand

There are a number of link compendiums made for people wishing to tour New Zealand.
Folk Music New Zealand
Kiwi Folk
Folk Music Map of the World