Flax Weaving
- Wednesdays, 10:30am to 2:30pm.
- Contact: Sue Smythe, 021 252 8100.
- or Lucy Harris, 021 202 8932.
- Addiction recovery support
- Thursdays, 6:30pm to 7:30pm.
Community Market
- 3rd Tuesday of the month, and occasional Sundays
- Bring/Buy/Sell/Exchange
- Friendly community get together, Tea/Coffee
- Contact Audrey Sharp, 09 422 6209, am.sharp56@gmail.com
Whangateau Hall Committee
Oversees the management and maintenance of the hall. The committee meets quarterly, the first Monday of every third month. For more information, contact Jenine Abarbanel. All interested parties welcome.
President: Richard Gerard
Secretary: Natalie Keene
Treasurer: Angela Clemens
Bookings: Jenine Abarbanel
Whangateau Harbour Care Group (In association with Landcare)
- First Tuesday of the month, 7:30pm.
- Liz Allen: whcgsecretary@gmail.com
- http://whangateauharbour.org
Whangateau Residents and Ratepayers Group
- Second Tuesday of the month, 7:30pm.
- For more information: Hugh. 09 422 6219,
Tai Chi (Tai Chi is currently on hiatus)
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00am – 11:30am.Prebooking is requiredDee Torkington, 09 422 6238, dee@torkington.com